Systematic Kinesiology: What is it?
Systematic Kinesiology (pronounced kin-ee-zee-olo-gee) is a gentle, natural way of finding out about imbalances in the body. Using different techniques such as acupressure, gentle lymphatic massage and emotional releasing it helps to bring the body back into balance.
- Gut health
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Low mood
- Ankle pain
- Stress
- Food sensitives
- Allergies
- Addictions
- Confidence
- Menopause
- Eczema and other skin conditions
- Arthritis
- Regular colds /coughs
Benefits of Kinesiology
The beauty of Kinesiology is that it really can help with anything. This list is not exhaustive by any means but hopefully it gives you an idea of the varied reasons clients come for treatments... pretty much anything really !

- Gut health
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Low mood
- Ankle pain
- Stress
- Food sensitives
- Allergies
- Addictions
- Confidence
- Menopause
- Eczema and other skin conditions
- Arthritis
- Regular colds /coughs
Benefits of Kinesiology
The beauty of Kinesiology is that it really can help with anything. This list is not exhaustive by any means but hopefully it gives you an idea of the varied reasons clients come for treatments... pretty much anything really !

What happens during a treatment?
During a session, I use very gentle muscle tests on the body to help evaluate what is happening to you emotionally , nutritionally, structurally and energetically. With this information it can help move you forward with a plan to get you where you would like to be and maintain that feeling of well-being.

Children are just as responsive to kinesiology as adults – in fact often more so. With small children by using play and very gentle questioning I find I get great responses.
Sometimes it is necessary to use a surrogate with a small child. This might mean that the child sits with you or another trusted adult . As long as skin to skin contact is maintained (hand holding or similar) during muscle testing all the information needed can be easily gathered in the same way as if the muscle test was done directly on them.
The teenage years can be incredibly confusing and with recent world events many teenagers have been sorely effected. I see many young adults who come with a whole range of issues from anxiety to anger issues. If you would like to find out if I can help please contact me.

Start your journey
Get in touch
If you'd like to check availability or have any questions about Kinesiology or any particular conditions you may have, please get in touch using the form or alternatively you can give me a call
Start your journey
Get in touch
If you'd like to check availability or have any questions about Kinesiology or any particular conditions you may have, please get in touch using the form or alternatively you can give me a call